Agreement Fail to

Agreement Fail To: A Common Grammar Error in Writing

Agreement fail to is a common grammar error that often plagues the written content on the internet. It occurs when there is a disagreement between the subject and the verb in a sentence. This error can be detrimental to the SEO and readability of your content. In this article, we will discuss the concept of agreement fail to and how to avoid it in your writing.

What Is Agreement Fail To?

Agreement fail to occurs when the subject and the verb in a sentence do not agree in number. This means that the verb does not match the number of the subject. For example:

– Incorrect: The team of players fail to score a goal.

– Correct: The team of players fails to score a goal.

In the incorrect example, the subject is “team of players,” which is singular. However, the verb “fail” is in the plural form, which should be “fails.” The correct example shows that the verb has been adjusted to match the singular subject.

This error can also occur when the subject and the verb are separated by a phrase or clause. For example:

– Incorrect: The book, along with the other materials, are on the shelf.

– Correct: The book, along with the other materials, is on the shelf.

In this example, the subject is “book,” which is singular. However, the verb “are” is in the plural form, which should be “is.” The correct example shows that the verb has been adjusted to match the singular subject.

How to Avoid Agreement Fail To

To avoid agreement fail to in your writing, it is crucial to keep the subject and the verb in agreement. Here are some tips to follow:

1. Identify the subject of the sentence and its corresponding verb.

2. Ensure that the verb matches the number of the subject, regardless of any phrases or clauses in between.

3. Be mindful of collective nouns, such as “team” and “group,” which may be singular or plural depending on the context.

4. Pay attention to the singular and plural forms of irregular verbs.

By following these tips, you can avoid agreement fail to in your writing and ensure that your content is grammatically correct and SEO-friendly.


Agreement fail to is a common grammar error that can negatively impact the readability and SEO of your content. By keeping the subject and the verb in agreement, you can avoid this error and ensure that your writing is clear and concise. Be sure to review your content for agreement fail to before publishing to ensure that it is error-free.